Mudgee Wheels, Wine and Wings Airshow
On 14th April 2012 the Mudgee Boys and Girls Squadrons were invited to cater at The Mudgee Wheels, Wine and Wings Airshow at Mudgee Airport, selling hot dogs and cold drinks.
This was a major fundraiser for both Squadrons and an opportunity for cadets to add another event to the new Air Awareness Badge tally. The Girls Group also set up a recruiting stand and handled enquires for both Squadrons passing the details to the O.C.’s. All who attended worked hard and had a very enjoyable day.
On ANZAC Day both Squadrons again took part in the local march, for the first time in many years the Air League contingent out numberred the Army Cadets by 3 to 1 showing a strong profile in our community. The local Soldiers Club invited the Cadets back for a soft drink and chips after the march, both Squadrons are to be congratulated on the large attendance and respect shown on the day.