Federal Staff Changes and Vacancies
Currently two major Federal portfolios are vacant and we are seeking Expressions of Interest for the positions of Federal Field Commissioner and Federal Finance Commissioner, as well as Chairman of the Council of the Australian Air League.
Comr. Peter Glover MSA has resigned from the appointment of Federal Field Commissioner with effect 18th February 2013, Comr. Ray King MSA relinquishes the appointment of Federal Finance Commissioner and is appointed Federal Operations Commissioner with effect 16th February 2013 and Gp. Comr. Brian Grinter MSA relinquishes all appointments within the New South Wales Boys’ Group and is appointed National Marketing & Publicity Officer. This portfolio is responsible for marketing, development, publicity within the League and includes the management of the League’s web site.
Details of the Federal Commissioenr vacancies can be found in F/FRO/02/13 and the Chairman of the Council of the Australian Air League in F/FRO/03/13.