Following extensive formal and informal consultation over several years the Australian Air League has made a number of important procedural changes to the way NCOs are assessed and promoted.

These changes are intended to achieve a number of objectives;

  • to simplify the NCO appointment process and make it more transparent,
  • to reduce administration and operational workloads for Group and Wing Staff Officers,
  • to avoid duplication of assessment activities,
  • to delegate accountability: OC Squadrons will be authorised to manage the whole assessment process,
  • to introduce a new series of assessment activities that evaluate the cadet’s leadership contribution and performance at Squadron level,
  • to introduce a standalone Knowledge Test for each rank (A, B & C) that has little or no overlap with the Drill Proficiency or Flag Party assessments.

Details of the changes can be found in Federal Training Instruction No.7, available for download here and will come in to effect from 1st April 2015.