What does it cost to join?

A annual membership fee is required to assist in the running of the Australian Air League. A subscription fee is also required to cover the cost of equipment and expenses like rent, insurance and so on. This is may becollected weekly, or at the beginning of the term depending on the Squadron.

Each Squadron works out its own budget for subs so you should ask when you visit your local Squadron.

Most Squadrons either own or have access to a wide range of equipment for camping and so on, the cost of this equipment is met by money-raising events. We ask that families do their bit to support fund raising activities within their own Squadron.

Do I have to buy my own uniform?

A uniform is required and can be purchased through your local Squadron or Group Quartermaster store. By buying the uniform through these stores you are helping to support theAir League across Australia.

Uniforms can also be bought through second hand clothing pools, which some Groups and Squadrons run.

For the uniform requirements for your son or daughter click here.

What will I do at weekly parade nights?

Some of the activities you can expect at the cadet unit include ceremonial drill, first aid, education and modelling, sports, and events that support your community. Some Squadrons and Groups also have bands that provide music training. There will also be plenty of time to have fun and make new friends!

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