How to Join

I want to join the Air League!

Are you interested in joining the Australian Air League?

The Air League is for boys and girls aged 8 to 18 with a passion for aviation, fun and adventure. If that sounds like you – we’d love to hear from you!

First step is to find your nearest Squadron by contacting the Air League in your State or Territory by phone or e-mail.

Once you’ve found a Squadron near you, come along with your parents to see how it all works. On your first night it’ll all seem new, so we recommend that you come along for a few weeks first. This will give you a chance to enjoy Air League before you make a financial commitment.

New Squardons are opening up all the time, so if you don’t see one listed near you, contact you state Group or Wing to learn if there are plans to open a Squadron near you soon.


I want to be a volunteer leader

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Are you a dedicated adult with a passion for aviation who cares about the future of our children?

Air League Officers are volunteers from the community, often former cadets themselves or parents of cadets keenly interested in developing the potential of young Australians and willing to volunteer their time to develop today’s young people.

You need to be able to allocate one night a week for Squadron parade nights, and to attend weekend activities such as camps and competition days that occur during the year.

If this sounds like something you are interested, contact the Australian Air League by phone or email to learn more!

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