Not many current members are likely to remember the last time the role of General Manager (GM) was filled in the League. This role was in existence in the 1990’s, even after the Incorporated Association version of the Australian Air League replaced the Company Limited by Guarantee (CLG) version, which had been in place since the League’s inception in the early 1930’s.
In the 1990’s, around the time that the Federal Executive Council was dissolved, leaving the Council of the League as the sole peak body, the appointment of GM was discontinued and the duties (but not the appointment) were removed from the AAL Manual.
Why are we bringing back this role?
There is a pressing need to make the role of Chief Commissioner far less demanding of time and effort than is currently the case. In recent years, Expressions of Interest (EOIs) for this role have generally been submitted by persons who have not had a thorough appreciation of the magnitude of the role. Those who did, wisely declined the opportunity to “throw their hats into the ring” because they knew how much time and effort it required.
Achieving a solution was one driving factor towards moving back to a CLG, which had been recommended by the Constitution Review Committee (comprising members from all Groups). In order to keep moving in a positive direction, while matters CLG are further considered, the concept of reviving the GM role has been activated.
The GM was an essential aid to the League in liaison with the Chief Commissioner, taking on the majority of governance duties and allowing the Chief Commissioner to focus largely on the uniformed (or Training) section of the League. We see this relationship resuming and allowing the capable, but time constrained, senior officers of the League to consider lodging an EOI for the position of Chief Commissioner – for the final two years of the current appointment.
The call for EOIs for both the General Manager and Chief Commissioner roles, close on 7 August. Perhaps you see yourself as having what it takes to fill either of these roles?
Just remember to consider three sets of documentation:
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Call For Expressions Of Interest In Federal And Council Of The League Appointments …Image licensed under Creative Commons