Internet and Social Media Policy


The Australian Air League Internet policy has recently been updated and can be found in Federal Administration Instruction No.77, available for download here. It sets out the standards and rules for the publication of and access to information, and for communication via the Internet and similar public computer networks. The Australian Air League wishes to actively promote and encourage the use of the Internet as a means of communicaton in the organisation, however at the same time wishes to maintain its high reputation in the community and protect the safety and privacy of its members.

Since  the Internet Policy was first introduced technology has evolved to include mobile communications, digital media and social networks. Whilst it did cover particpation in all online communications, the policy now includes specific sections on social media for the benefit of our members.

The Form46i AAL Internet registration has also been updated to include the ability for units to register their social media sites as well as Squadron websites. All units with existing social media sites are requested to complete a form and forward to their Group Executive Commissioner for recording.


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