Air League provides subsidy to help cadets attend Review

AAL Cadets on ReviewEvery two years Australian Air League cadets from around the country gather to take part in the Australian Air League Review, where they take part in a day of competition in a spirit of fun, goodwill and comradeship.

Cadets begin preparing months in advance, keen to compete and find which units are the champions in areas such as precision marching, physical activities, marching bands and education displays. As well as the competitions, the cadets enjoy the fun and team building that comes about from the event and the trip to the venue. For some younger cadets its their first interstate trip away without mum and dad!

Unfortunately, the cost to travel to this event make it an expensive exercise for Squadrons. For some Squadrons it can be 10+ hours on a bus each way, or expensive interstate flights. Sqn.Capt. David Boyd, Officer Commanding Cranbourne Squadron explains, “Cranbourne started fund raising as soon as the last Review finished. The Squadrons runs a major fund raiser each year being the Bunnings sausage sizzle which returns around $1000 plus chocolae drives and donations along the way. Along with the weekly fees the cadets pay of $8, we must pay hall hire, membership renewals, monthly levies (which contribute towards insurance), workbooks and so on”

“We set aside funds for large projects like the interstate Reviews. Our aim is to subsidise each cadet $100 towards the cost of the Review and with 20 cadets attending we have a target of $2000 to raise.”

Wing.Capt. Kyle Laing, Officer Commanding Wing of South Australia adds, “Direct flights from Adelaide to Canberra are too expensive, so our cadets will need to fly to Sydney and board a coach to Canberra. This will involved two days of travelling and will cost in the region of $600-800 per member.”

For the first time, the Council of the Australian Air League will be providing Squadrons travelling greater than 500km to the Review a subsidy to help get as many cadets as possible to the Review. Squadrons will receive $25.00 towards travel costs for each uniformed member that travels to the Review parading in the afternoon in front to the Reviewing Officer, the Governor-General, His Excellency General the Honourable Sir Peter Cosgrove AK MC (Retd) and Lady Cosgrove.

Announcing the subsidy, Chief Commissioner Ian Rickards notes, “Whilst $25 is not a significant sum of money,  this represents nearly two thirds of the annual subscription League members currently pay each year and is offered in the hope that it may help some members to attend. The League anticipates an expenditure in the area of $15,000 will be made to members. The funding for this is coming from the bequest of the late Gp Lt Geoff Sadler, LM., MSA made to the League in 2008. Squadrons will be advised how they can apply for this subsidy to be received which will be paid after the Review and by the end of October 2014.”

The Australian Air League 80th Anniversary Review will be held at Gungahlin Oval, Crinigan Circle, Gungahlin ACT on Saturday 4th October 2014 followed by a Wreath Laying Ceremony on the Sunday morning. Details of the Review can be found online at

Victoria Group 75th Anniversary Dinner

Brunswick Company of the Australian Air League

The Victoria Group of the Australian Air League is holding a dinner on the 18th October 2014 at the Box Hill RSL to celebrate 75 years of the Australian Air League in Victoria.

 The dinner is open to all members past and present, and we would like to especially invite those former cadets who might have been members during the war years. We are also looking for photos of the Air League through the years.

To find out more, contact Jim Humphrey on 03 97362130 or email

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Whittlesea Squadron Takes Off



Cadets James Shearwood and Tom Sherwood before their flight

The new “City of Whittlesea” Squadron of the Australian Air League is off to a flying start with the first section of cadets under training. Under their Squadron OC Mr Bryson Shearwood the new cadets have already completed their first two badges, learning the basics of aviation with the GP6 and GP5 badges. They have also had marvellous support from two other local Squadrons with the older NCOs helping with drill and instruction.

The Squadron meets at the Lower Plenty Salvation Army complex in Mill Park, the Salvation Army have been extremely helpful to the young Squadron with rent assistance and the cadets will be assisting at the upcoming Red Shield Appeal which should also assist publicising the Squadron to the wider community.

Upcoming events include the cadet’s first Flying Day in May, and a flight simulator instruction day in June. Publicity is also in hand with several large shopping centres nearby and some new developing tonwships within the area.

Cadets Tom Sherwood, James Shearwood and Dennis Rangasinghe

Now that the training of the first section of cadets is well underway it is anticipated that the Squadron will grow within the next term as the publicity starts to provide interest with the local youth.

Watch this space to hear about new Squadrons opening in the future!


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