Air League Expansion Continues On Gold Coast
As the still young Gold Coast Squadron rapidly approaches only its second birthday in August, the Australian Air League now has two very active Squadrons on the Gold Coast, following the recent issuing of Provisional Charters for the Southport Squadron.
Still realising dividends from last year’s highly successful Federal Review, some big funding wins, a well-established community profile and ongoing active promotion – the Gold Coast Squadron has continued with exceptional membership growth, providing the opportunity to establish Southport Squadron as a strategic expansion of the Air League presence in South East Queensland.
With weekly Parade Nights now held both on Mondays (Southport) and Fridays (Gold Coast) in two Gold Coast locations, prospective youth members of the region now have greater choice and access to Air League programs and aviation opportunities.
One Gold Coast Officer and several Cadets have transferred to build the new Squadron, supplemented by new membership –and Southport Squadron Cadets are already at full speed putting in extra drill training to put in a good showing at the upcoming Queensland Group Review (June 8-10), only 4 weeks after their first meeting.
Both Squadrons continue to generate strong interest and deliver high quality individual Cadet outcomes, with joint events, promotion and activities programmed between Gold Coast, Southport and the other nearby Squadrons, Forest Lake & Strathpine, to build further on this upward trend. Amongst the first is a joint Air League display & activity station, on Saturday 25 August, as part of the Aviation Careers Expo at Brisbane International Airport.