The NSW Group of the Australian Air League recently took to the streets of Sydney for the League’s annual Ceremonial Parade, the first major event since the lifting of COVID restrictions which saw most major events in 2020 cancelled.
The parade saw the cadets and Officers march through the city CBD to the Royal Botanic Gardens for the presentation of awards with the Reviewing Officer Her Excellency the Honourable Margaret Beazley AC QC Governor of New South Wales.
This year was the 84th Annual Ceremonial Parade for the NSW Group and with Squadrons from across NSW in attendance it was great to see the Air League out in the community again.
Last weekend the female Cadets of New South Wales Group were invited to attend and event at Bankstown Airport to hear from women who worked in all areas of aviation. Cadet Zoë Baker Moss from Marrickville Sqn was among the cadets who participated and found the day inspiring.
On the 6th of March, I attended the IWD Women in Aviation even at Bankstown Airport that was organised by the Women in Aviation Australia Chapter and Sydney Metro Airports. After arriving I met up with a other girls, from both my own squadron and other Sydney squadrons and we settled down in the terminal for the speeches.
The presenters were nothing short of phenomenal, to say the least. Most excitingly, they were not all about flying, flying, flying, although I think that is one of the best parts of the aviation industry. Instead, they were given by women in all fields of aviation, and they recounted the incredible journeys they had experienced to get where they are today. We learnt all about working in the Air Traffic Control Towers, received an insight into the management side of aviation, and even heard from a girl around my age, who had persisted with her love of flying despite constant roadblocks and barriers. We also heard about the wild adventures of an aeronautical engineer and her exciting experiments in high speed flight. And, of course, we heard from some amazing pilots and their journey towards a Commercial Pilot’s Licence.
Despite coming from a wide range of different perspectives, all the presenters had one thing in common. Their constant devotion and dedication to the thing they loved: aviation. This was one of the major things that I found so powerful about the convention. There is something about all the incredible things they had all achieved that motivates me to do the very same thing, no matter what challenges I may face along the way.
After the speeches, came another exciting part of the day. Afternoon tea. Accompanied by fizzy drinks and some delicious cookies, we gathered around and got to chatting. Although the speeches had been extremely enlightening, even more questions had sprung into my head than to begin with. And, ever so kindly, the lovely ladies at the event were willing to answer all of my questions, big or small. By the end of the day, I, along with most of the other Air League girls, had a mouthful of biscuits, hands full of merchandise, and minds full of inspirations and dreams. Dreams that were becoming closer and closer to reality as the day went on.
At the end of the three hours, it felt as if the day had flown by, and I was almost upset when my dad came to pick me up. I wanted to spend even more time chatting with the wonderful women I had met and maybe steal one more swig of Sprite. Still, I could not have been more thankful for all of the incredible speeches given at the event, and I am just as thankful to the incredible ladies I met. I aspire to be as moving and motivational as you one day and possibly be as involved in fostering greatness for women in aviation.
To all the girls who missed out on the event, or to those who are dreaming of a life in the skies, my advice to you is “Choose to Challenge”. You are even stronger than you can imagine, and you mustn’t let anyone stand in between you and greatness. Let your heart lead the way, and you can achieve anything. As the Australian Air League motto A Vinculo Terrae encourages, we can be ‘Free from the bonds of Earth’.
On Monday evening Gp.Comr. Trent Aylward of NSW Boys Group represented the Australian Air League, accepting an award on behalf of NSW Boys Group and NSW Girls cadets and Officers who carried banners and were medallion tray bearers at the 2017 Reserve Force Day Parade in Sydney, NSW.
On the evening it was announced that the 2018 Reserve Forces Day Parade will be the last – the Reserve Force Dat Council believe that after 20 years, with no current Reserve Units taking part and the average age of members marching over 80 that it is time to finish up.
For this reason we would ask that as many members as possible assist in this year’s parade, the attendees will also have the opportunity to have their photos taken on the steps of the Anzac Memorial and these will be archived by the Australian War Memorial for posterity. Details will be made available soon, and members who participate will be recognised toward the Community Awareness Award.