The weekend of 5th May saw cadets take part in the annual Queensland Group Recreation Camp at the Currimundi Recreation Centre. Located on the edge of Currimundi Beach and Lake, it was the perfect destination for cadets to challenge themselves, have fun, work together and build lifelong friendships.
Fourteen student pilots recently received their wings after graduating from 269 Pilots’ Course with 2 FTS at RAAF Base Pearce. Among these graduates was PLTOFF Andrew Cary, a former cadet with Ringwood Squadron of the Australian Air League.
Andrew was awarded the SJ. Goble Memorial Trophy as the most proficient pilot, the G. Scutt/E. Davey Memorial Trophy for most proficient at instrument flying and the Air BP Australia Trophy for the highest aggregate of academic marks. He also took out the Pilatus Aircraft Trophy as course dux – quite an achievement!
We wish Andrew all the best for the future, to learn more visit the Defence Force News here.
Picture this: a crisp Saturday morning, the sun shining high above the horizon and the sounds of excitement echoing through the air. A group of Australian Air League Forest Lake Squadron cadets unified in one goal – to conquer the skies. This was the scene at Boonah Gliding Club last weekend as our cadets took part in a thrilling gliding adventure.
The excitement was palpable as the cadets gathered around the gliders, eagerly waiting for their turn to take to the skies. The club’s instructors were friendly and knowledgeable, taking the time to explain the delicate and intricate workings of the gliding machines. From the basics of take-off and landing to more advanced manoeuvres, the cadets were briefed on what to expect on their maiden flights.
The anticipation intensified as the first cadets prepared to take off. You could hear a pin drop as the glider released from its towline gracefully soared into the sky. The pilots expertly controlled the gliders, easily navigating the wind currents and maintaining a steady altitude.
The views over Boonah were breathtaking as the cadets glided quietly through the air. The rolling hills below were a beautiful patchwork of greens and browns with pockets of blue scattered throughout, a sight that left many a cadet awestruck.
The Boonah Gliding Club provided an unforgettable weekend for our cadets. They were the epitome of professionalism, ensuring every cadet had the time of their life and left with a newfound appreciation for the skies. It was an experience that will remain etched in their memories forever.
On Saturday, 15th April, the Queensland Air Museum, Caloundra Qld, hosted a Women in Aviation Open Day that provided a unique opportunity to inspire, educate and recruit girls and women interested in aviation careers.
The Queensland Air Museum showcases Australian aviation history, with over 80 restored aircraft on display and dozens of aero engines. The day was hosted by a wide range of personnel with varied and long experience in aviation.
One of the highlights was the discussion panel with speakers covering a wide range of aviation experiences, including
Julie Hammer AM CSC – Air Vice-Marshal (Ret’d)
Lauren Jones – CASA/Wings Young Aviator of the Year
Naomi McQueen – Air Traffic Controller
Deborah Lawrie – Australia’s first Female Airline Pilot
Anita Moore – Westpac Lifesaver Rescue Helicopter Service
For those who couldn’t attend, the panel discussion can also be found online here.
The Australian Air League was invited to participate and cadets and officers from Squadrons across southeast Queensland attended and had a great day with some cool and unique experiences. Squadron Sergeant Biggs from Forest Lake Squadron was invited to start the engine of the Max Holste MH.1521 Broussard – a 1950s French six-seat utility monoplane, providing appropriately loud background noise to those in attendance!
All those who attended were privileged to hear the stories of some influential women in our modern Aviation industry who have worked hard to pave the way for women to venture into any area of Aviation they desire.
On a stormy Wednesday evening in March, Forest Lake Squadron of the Australian Air League held its annual Women in Aviation Night, which has proven to be a big hit with cadets and adults alike and a regular feature on the Squadron calendar.
Each year the Squadron is privileged to hear from women in various aviation and aerospace roles, from international airline and domestic pilots, Flight Test Systems Specialists to Loadmasters and Engineers and this year was no different.
The evening got off to a rocky start with a large microburst passing over the airfield and the Officers trying to reconfigure the hangar and aircraft now parked outside. Luckily it cleared within 15 minutes, providing a picturesque backdrop for our invited guests and speakers.
The first speaker was Erin Douglas, who is a flying instructor at the nearby Redcliffe Airport. Erin was initially fearful of flying; however, she was determined to beat her fear, and after a trial flight, she has never looked back! From that start, today she is now a flying instructor and is teaching student pilots the art of learning to fly aircraft.
Erin had the cadets enthralled with amazing tales of the many aircraft she has flown in and the multiple jobs she has held across the aviation industry so far; she inspired the cadets to pursue an aviation career, which may not even be the traditional pilot role.
Erin will also soon appear in an upcoming documentary called “Touch the Sky”, which follows eight Australian women overcoming barriers and getting to where they want to be – flying.
These women include mothers, daughters, influencers, and refugees who together share what it takes to overcome internal expectations and external pressures to take to the skies. Some are just beginning their aviation journey while others are further along, but all want to encourage more female participation in an industry they have come to love.
With the cadets still buzzing from Erin’s presentation, the cadets were then joined by SGT Jaci, who is an Air Movements member with the Royal Australian Air Force.
Jaci explained to the cadets some of the many tasks that are involved with her job as an Air Movements member, such as how cargo and passengers are prepared and briefed before a flight, how pallets of cargo are built and weighed, then loaded onto aircraft and communicated to the flight crew who then enter the weights into the aircraft computer and make sure it is all reflected accurately. Jaci also explained how she is responsible for refuelling aircraft, including the C-130 Hercules and C-17 Globemaster.
Some of the more interesting experiences she shared included moving a Role 2 Medical Hospital from Vietnam to South Sudan and loading Australian Army helicopters into the back of a C-17 Globemaster transport to be flown quickly to where they are needed.
The night was rounded off by a presentation by Dr Carmel, who is an Aviation Medical Officer within the Royal Australian Air Force.
Dr Carmel discussed the pathway to medicine in the Air Force from her time at school, through her medical training, to practising winching operations off a rescue helicopter and flying with the Roulettes as their Doctor and deploying on operations worldwide.
As with previous years, the night was a great success. The cadets and parents of Forest Lake Squadron wish to thank all the inspirational speakers that generously donated their time to come along to talk to the cadets about their experiences.