Queensland Group Training Camp 2022
In Queensland the first weekend in May is not only a long weekend celebrating Labour Day, it is also the Group Training Camp. This year’s camp was a success with a great mix of leadership and skills training along with fun for the cadets and officers involved.
Cadets participated in three different phases of training with each phase focusing on the skills needed for the specific roles.
Phase One cadets were in training to become Leading Cadets, Phase Two Corporals and Phase Three for the Sergeants. Each phase coordinator provided theoretical and practical training that would assist the cadets in their parade nights and in leadership throughout their lives.
Highlights of the weekend are always the beach activity, free time games and achieving a variety of badges. Special thanks to our Group Administrator, Chief Commissioner Rickards, and the Federal Field Commissioner/Executive Commissioner Victoria, Commissioner O’Brien who flew up from Victoria for the weekend to lend Queensland their skills and expertise. All the officers involved in training, and supporting, the cadets did a superb job and are sincerely thanked for their efforts. To the cadet members attending we hope and trust you found the weekend beneficial and we also thank you for your input and participation which was exceptional.
Sqn. Capt. Sarah Biggs
Group Education Officer