On Saturday 28th January the Victoria Group of the Australian Air League ran and NCO training day for cadets to provide extra training and prepare them for 2023.
Organised by Sqn.Sgt. Violet Lorenz (Doncaster Sqn) and Sqn.Sgt. Christian Camilleri (Niddrie Sqn), the training day saw 20 cadets from across Victoria Group attend on the last day of the school holidays (in 35º heat!) to brush up on their drill.
It wasn’t all marching – the cadets were also visited by FLTLT Justin Kelly of the RAAF who gave a talk on his career highlights since joining the Air Force in 1999. Currently based at MCAS Miramar in California (yes, the former home of the US Navy Fighter Weapons School – Top Gun!), FLTLT Kelly has been involved in the Joint Strike Fighter Operational Test Team (JOTT) for the F-35 and gave an informative talk on his journey from Aircraftman to Flight Lieutenant, issuing prizes to the cadets for correct answers. too!